UDILIV contains Ursodeoxycholic acid (also known as Ursodiol) which is a Gallstone dissolving agent. It is used to dissolve gall bladder stones (made up of cholesterol) and prevents them from forming back. It can also be used to treat a type of liver disease called primary biliary cholangitis. Primary biliary cholangitis (also known as primary biliary cirrhosis) is a long-term liver disease in which the tubes carrying a digestive fluid called bile (bile ducts) are injured, inflamed, and permanently damaged. As a result, it can cause yellow or white bumps under the skin or eyes, dark urine, and abnormally swollen stomach with pain with frequent nausea, weight loss and tiredness. UDILIV can also be used to treat liver and biliary diseases caused due to cystic fibrosis (an inherited disorder that affects major organs) in children aged between 6-18 years.


Product Description

UDILIV contains Ursodeoxycholic acid (also known as Ursodiol) which is a Gallstone dissolving agent. It is used to dissolve gall bladder stones (made up of cholesterol) and prevents them from forming back. It can also be used to treat a type of liver disease called primary biliary cholangitis. Primary biliary cholangitis (also known as primary biliary cirrhosis) is a long-term liver disease in which the tubes carrying a digestive fluid called bile (bile ducts) are injured, inflamed, and permanently damaged. As a result, it can cause yellow or white bumps under the skin or eyes, dark urine, and abnormally swollen stomach with pain with frequent nausea, weight loss and tiredness. UDILIV can also be used to treat liver and biliary diseases caused due to cystic fibrosis (an inherited disorder that affects major organs) in children aged between 6-18 years.

UDILIV is a liver protectant medication. It works by reducing cholesterol levels in the blood which is dissolving the gall bladder stones made up of cholesterol. It also improves liver functions by protecting the liver cells against the injury caused by toxic bile acid.

Before taking UDILIV inform your doctor, if you have any other liver problems apart from gall stones and biliary cirrhosis. While taking UDILIV, your doctor would regularly monitor your liver function to access how you respond to the treatment. UDILIV is not recommended for use in pregnant women. Women of childbearing age should use a suitable non-hormonal contraceptive method like condemn or copper-IUD to avoid getting pregnant. The most common side effect of UDILIV is pasty stools. Consult your doctor if it bothers you.


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